Unveiling My Writing Journey: Navigating the Literary Landscape

I wanted to share a glimpse of my life as a writer, where I grapple with the complexities of mental health. Writing has always held a special place in my heart, allowing me to convey my thoughts and emotions with precision and clarity. Amid my worst trauma, it has been my constant source of strength and resilience. When you are a writer, finding a peaceful and uninterrupted environment is often recommended. As a stay-at-home mom, I cannot consider this because of the lack of funds for childcare or a suitable workspace. So, I make the most out of the resources available to me.

This is part of my writing affirmation:

“My passions have eternally aligned with writing. My ability to weave words together resembles the intricate artistry of a spider spinning its web. By sharing my philosophies, I provoke introspection and motivate people to delve into diverse subjects. I am not merely a wordsmith, but a weaver of vivid imagery. With each stroke of my pen, I witness my words taking flight, gracefully alighting on their targets. From the depths of my soul, I was destined to spin narratives that fill these spaces with life.

My aim is to achieve new levels of excellence with each accomplishment by continuously improving my crafting skills. Holding this pen in my hand, I am terrified and in awe of its power as it transforms thoughts into written words on this sacred page. As I write, I bring my emotions to life, infusing every sentence with their vibrant energy. With each stroke of my pen, I channel my frustration and indignation into powerful prose, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those who dare to read my words.”

This is my writing space, a sanctuary of inspiration adorned with motivational quotes. The corner of the hallway is where it can be found, quietly occupying its space. The absence of walls between the hallway and living room creates an open concept design, normally would be inviting but with a desk here is a bit overcrowded. I’m grateful for this small space I can call my own.

I can’t escape the constant noise and distractions that fill the surrounding space, making it hard to focus. Only when my toddler is finally asleep at night and I have my headphones on, blocking out the noise, can I truly find a moment of peace. It can get hectic and overwhelming at times. It is important to find a routine and those like me with autism or neurodivergence know how especially important a routine can be.

My routine resembles something like this:

  • Drink Bang or Matcha
  • Let others know I am about to start my work
  • Put in headphones
  • Take a deep breath and look over my note from the previous day to see where I am going to start today.
  • Start my pomodoro usually a 1-3 hour session before a break
  • Then I may do something else like School work or Japanese
  • Repeat until around midnight or 3am.

Unless they have an office job or a spare bedroom, only a few people can afford the typical expenses of a writing career. Writing is seldom a reliable source of income to meet financial obligations. The work is demanding, with grueling hours that seem to stretch on endlessly. Loving it is of utmost importance, and that is why it should be cherished. Many people don’t consider writing to be a real job but it is and if you treat it as such it becomes a career.

I also choose to go to college for writing, immersing myself in courses and other learning opportunities to deepen my love for the craft. Alongside my Japanese language learning journey, I am actively developing my ghostwriting abilities.

Writing is like a tangled web of words, strewn haphazardly across the page. With this revision, the text is enriched with additional details. So, why do I continue to engage in this behavior? The answer is simple, already stated, and stereotyped: It’s my passion that fills my every waking thought and fuels my every action.

Even if I attempted to, I couldn’t shake off the feeling. Writing has been a part of my life since I was five, starting with short stories and micro-fiction, although I didn’t have a name for it back then. Writing became my refuge, a transformative process that turned my trauma into life-saving fiction.
There is no guarantee I will become a literary sensation like Stephan King or Anne Rice, captivating readers with my words. Yet, there is no necessity for me to be.

Through writing, I discover a world beyond my own, one that fills me with a sense of vitality and passion. It’s a challenging task, no doubt. The first draft is always a messy outpouring of thoughts and ideas. Editing will uncover an increasing number of changes to make. It is a time-consuming process that requires a substantial investment of time. Yet, the reward makes it worthwhile.

I also do this for you. In the future, when you hold my book, I hope you can see the vivid imagery and feel the emotions that I poured into every word.

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