NEW WIP? What Happened?|Writing Update

Hello everyone, I am glad to have you join me for another writer’s update post! It is a big update so here we go.

Table of contents

  • What happened?
  • What does this mean?
  • When will this book be ready?
  • Any other projects?

What happened?

Writing can sometimes lead to the realization that every decision made was completely opposite to what was intended. Though, rather than completely discarding my last project, I have opted to shift its priority downwards and focus on other tasks for now. It turns out I was writing the second book in a series instead of the first all along! Can you believe that?

What does this mean?

The consequence is that I have to reset everything and start anew. Yep. From the beginning. But that’s okay! The resilience and determination that accompany the life of a writer are clearly clear in this, and it serves as a powerful reflection of life’s complexities. Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. We acknowledge the setback, learn from it, and then we forge ahead with a new plan. By constantly dwelling on the past, we hinder our ability to move forward and remain in a stagnant state. That is not the journey anyone desires to embark on.

When will this book be ready?

It’s hard to say. Despite my best efforts to set concrete deadlines for myself, life’s trustworthy problems have emerged to hinder my progress and, unfortunately, the solutions they demand have caused unexpected setbacks. To have the first draft edits completed, my aim is to have them prepared for professional editing by the end of the year. Here is the issue, dear reader: those professional editors cost money, so that slows the process a bit while I look for work and save money to get one and look for an agent to get the book traditionally published.

Any other projects

So, will there be anything else while you wait? Yes! Currently, I am dedicating my time and effort to the creation of various short stories. While these may not be novels, they will still provide you with something interesting to read. Until I gather a sufficient amount, I will gladly post them on my website with no charge, with the intention of eventually compiling them into a book. Once I have completed that step, my intention is to remove them from my website and move forward with publishing the subsequent collection of new short stories on my site, and then start the same process again. Throughout this process, your patience and understanding have meant the world to me, and I am truly grateful. I hope my content intrigues you enough to wait for the release of my novel with patience. I also hope that you find the stories engaging and enthralling.

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